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Why this? Why now?

"I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn."

Albert Einstein


My answer is simple. 

I want more for my child than the traditional classroom experience offers. I know he has an unlimited amount of curiosity and creativity and I had to find a way to make the most of these wonderful traits I see in him. with Covid 19 affecting every aspect of life, I realized "this" was the right time!


With the future of education currently being debated, I began to explore the options I had. After much thought and conversation, R.A.D. was founded.

R.A.D. was originally created to be a one-on-one home school for my son. I wanted to give him the best and most inspiring education possible while developing in him an open-minded view of the world and a caring outlook that infused every aspect of his life. As I began taking steps to make this happen, I found my self wondering if others parents might want the same thing. we are. 


As my son and I talked with our staff, it was suggested to open up this opportunity to other families. We realized this presented a unique opportunity to make this a "boys only" school, a place where these young men of the future can be challenged to become well-educated, caring and open minded as they embark on becoming global citizens.


At this time, as we are just beginning, we can only accommodate a maximum of four boys. One day, perhaps, that number can increase.  For now,  we are simply hoping our ideas, our innovative approach and our interactions in the real world will be themes that will inspire others to want to be a part of this experience.


Background: About Us
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