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Traditional Education 

with a

Creative Twist

The staff at R.A.D. will offer an exciting and interactive educational setting for these young men. 

Our entire curriculum will be focused on cultivating independent thought and examining ways in which all subjects contribute to the student living his fullest and best life. The courses and the approach to each subject will be innovative as we provide a basic education program that includes, but not limited to, reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies and science. We'll even add in a bit of philosophy and some basic psychology. All in a effort to create

well-rounded students who see and understand the world that surrounds them.

 Each week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (9:00am - 2:00pm) will focus on instruction in the classroom with each Thursday considered "Life Class". The intent of the "Life Class" is to create opportunities for the boys to interact in the real world in a variety of ways. These weekly outings will be chosen by the teachers with input from the students. They can range from community service to interviewing community leaders.


At the end of each three month block, there will be a week-long excursion exploring a subject that has been previously studied. This offers real-life experiences that can enhance the student's understanding of what they have learned in the classroom. These trips will include both domestic and international travel.* Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in each adventure.




*The health and safety of our students and staff will always be our number one concern during the Covid 19 crisis. These trips are the financial responsibility of each family.


Educational Approach: What's Happening
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